Season 2 Episode 07: Innovation with Felicia Perez


What is the relationship between vulnerability and innovation? (Is it always innovative if it's just a new idea for you?)

Special guest, Felicia Perez, talks with us about creativity, vulnerability, learning and iteration with intention.


Keep asking questions until you’re in a place with no answers.
— Felicia Perez

It might not be new to the world, that way of being, but maybe it’s new to me and my life and my systems. And so in my personal ecology, it’s an innovation.
— Maureen White

“Move fast and break sh*t.” There’s no vulnerability in that.
— Lawrence Barriner II

Everyday innovation isn’t about going out farther and making a new thing; it’s actually about enriching what is.
— Danielle Coates-Connor

Season 2 Episode 08: Thriving in Pandemic


Season 2 Episode 06: Fear